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Image by eberhard grossgasteiger

Take Charge of your own Health


Our favorites

"my water elixir"

"drop out"

Make your cells smile. Increase your water pH to an alkaline state. Check out our product line!

our story

Our founder, LJ, at an early age was introduced to relying on nature and homeopathic

ways of life. From a small town in Georgia, she watched and experienced the “nature”

way of life from her grandparents, both being prominent farmers and gardeners in her

hometown. They relied on agriculture, family traditions, and living off the land to not

only provide for their families, but also to maintain overall great health. As she carried

on her journey through life, this has remained a focal point of why she is so passionate

in helping others “take charge of their own health” and also performing avid research to

continue to sharpen her saw.


She is a graduate of Georgia College & State University, holding both a Bachelor’s and

Master’s in Public Administration. She was an educator/researcher in both Georgia and

the USVI for several years.

She has lived and traveled to caribbean islands, and experienced how the natives

engaged in an efficient way of life. They utilized many local herbs and resources to promote

better health that was intriguing to her. Beginning in the early 1990’s, she spearheaded many

Preventative Medicine projects and performed research for Morehouse School of

Medicine in Atlanta, Ga. and the VA Hospital in Dublin Ga. During this time, she provided

many Rural Clerkship opportunities to Morehouse medical students to provide

additional services and education to many rural locations in Georgia for promoting

better health and preventative medicine in these areas. Her continued

experiences/engagement in the community with health education along with the “self-

healing” ways of her ancestors is what motivated her to take her personal

education and passion to the next level in founding LJ Naturally.


LJ has more than 25 years of research and experience in the herbal and natural

remedies sector. She has a passion to be a student of her craft and love to

help others. She thrives on sharing her wealth of knowledge and providing the community with the powers of herbs and frequencies of nature. She hosts vast seminars for friends/family and many of her clients.  They call and ask her to assist in identifying in best herbal options for their health needs. Over the years through studying and research, LJ has learned how to create specialized natural remedies via herbal extractions and creating unique blends of herbs and

frequencies to meet her client’s needs. Some of LJ’s first herbal blend creations were the

“Met-a-bo Flush” and “AM Body Tonic”. LJ is always available to her clients and people

in the community to exchange info and provide customized service.

In 1999, LJ Naturally began assisting clients with their herbal needs and continues to move forward in the community.

"I have been using the Drop Out for over 4 years now. It has helped me and my family. I would advise anyone to at least try the Drop Out so you can speak your truth of healing."

T. Arthur, Atlanta


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